Support SNS
Special thanks to our wonderful community who has supported us for over 30 years- With your help, Sunshine will continue to grow! Donations are always needed and welcomed by those who are willing. Reciepts will be provided for all donations over $250 or upon request. You may make a donation online using a credit card, debit card, or checking account. Cash and checks written to "Sunshine Nursery School" are also accepted on site through our lock box. If you wish to mail a donation check, please send to:
Sunshine Nursery School: Donations
PO Box 342
LeRoy, NY 14482
PO Box 342
LeRoy, NY 14482
You can further support Sunshine Nursery School by volunteering, supporting our fundraisers, and donating supplies. Please follow the links above to learn how! You can also earn for Sunshine everyday by utilizing the tools below. These small changes in your habits can really impact our school! Start today!
Good SearchWhat if Sunshine earned a penny every time you searched the Internet? Well, now we can! is a search engine that donates half its revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. You use it just as you would any search engine, and it's powered by Yahoo!, so you get great results. Just go to and be sure to enter Sunshine Nursery School as the charity you want to support. Learn more HERE! |
Amazon Smile
We all love to shop on Amazon, Right? So what if you could help out our amazing school by just shopping for what you were going to buy anyways! When you shop using The Amazon Smile program donates a percentage of your purchase to our school.
Just visit and select Sunshine Christian Nursery School as your non-for profit group. You do need to make your purchases through, but you will sign in to your normal account. So if your a prime member you will still receive your prime benefits as well! |
Campbell's Labels for EducationLearn how to earn e-Labels for Sunshine by clicking here!
The Labels for Education program is a great way to get FREE merchandise for our school. New this year: there are now items worth 10 points! Also, for almost all products you will just need to collect the UPC label. For V8 drinks you will still need to send in the lid. When clipping labels please be sure to include the entire area inside the dotted line so we can collect all our points! You will be suprised by how many participating products you already purchase! Please help multiply our efforts by asking your neighbors, friends and family to collect labels too! Labels can be turned in year round using the bin in our classroom! For a complete list of products with the Campbell's label, click here. |