Fundraising Links:
Join the Fundraising Committee!Parents are invited to join the fundraising committee. This is a great way to get involved without making a major sacrifice! Our committee will meet 3-4 times a school year and time will be spent brainstorming fundraisers for the school, organizing events, assigning tasks, etc.
If you are interested or would like more information, please contact the board for more information. Be sure to include your phone number in the message if you would prefer a call back! If you are unable to join the committee, but still have a suggestion or want to help in some way- we welcome that as well!! |
Volunteer for Your Class!
We welcome parent involvement in their child's education! Parent/Guardian volunteers are used in Playgroup on a rotating schedule that coincides with snack. Please visit the Playgroup Page for more information!
Volunteers are also needed to supervise on class field trips (see your teacher).
Volunteers are also needed to supervise on class field trips (see your teacher).